
2024 Healing Stream Centre


Youth and Student Affairs

Healing Stream has a huge passion for the youths and students. Today’s young people want a church that is purposeful, dynamic and exciting. Beside this, they have loads of questions that require answers in their hearts; we believe we are here to meet their needs. Also, we recognize that a majority of our students (undergraduate and postgraduate) are International Students; and being far away from home, we strive to make sure that they acclimatize and adjust well to the new environment. Beyond that, we are always ready to provide comfort and family to each and every student member of Healing Stream Centre.


Finally, our passion is to see this generation of youth walk in the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We do believe, without any doubt, that as they get to know God and experience His love in their lives, they will be encouraged and empowered to impact their world with His truth.

Contact us by calling the office 5pm – 7pm Monday to Friday or send us an email.
Call: (519) 781-9332 or email us at: